Fundraise Become a donor now! Only $10.47/month Sign up See stories Anyone can give. It only takes passion for kindness and commitment to give. You don't have to be rich to give. Donate Make a difference starting today. Become a Member Rock the Giver's Lifestyle. Shop Rally your tribe for good. Fundraise Fundraise on Facebook Start a postStep 1Choose the option “Raise Money” Step 2Search for and choose “Mailbox Money Community Foundation”Step 3 Fill out the details of your fundraiserStep 4Finish your post and tag your friend.Step 5Voila! You’re doneStep 6 Previous Next You can make a difference, even now. Fundraise on Instagram Start a postStep 1Choose add a fundraiser (if you’re doing this on a story, you can select “donation” from the stickers option)Step 2Search for and choose @global_mailbox_moneyStep 3Fill out the details of your fundraiser Step 4Finish your postStep 5Share your post with friends and voila! You’re done! Step 6 Previous Next Your contribution matters . Conduct a personal fundraiser at home Schedule a party with your friends (many do this for birthdays or around the holidays)Step 1Instead of gifts for a birthday, or contributing with drinks or food, ask guests to bring a donation for the cause. Step 2Sometime during the party, collect funds for the cause It’s great to share your “why” with your friendsStep 3 Fill out the details of your fundraiserStep 4After collecting the funds, arrange the donation to Mailbox Money. Be sure to give us your why too so we can shout you out on social media!Step 5 Previous Next Want to get more involved? Become a member